It’s been, shamefully, almost a
month since our last adventure. I’d been kind of hoping
I’d get a chance to finish the ships
before forging ahead, but I’ve realized we could be waiting a long time for
In this adventure the ship (yet to be named) arrived at a
small isle – which had a small bay and a village by the shore which the captain
thought might be a good place to pick up fresh water and supplies and perhaps
do some trade.
When they walked into the village they found it to be eerily
quiet – almost like it was abandoned – though they saw the smoke rising from
cooking fires and the occasional face peering out through the darkened windows.
When Athis
entered a home she found a couple terrified and filled with despair. A group of
Satyrs from the nearby woods had stolen all the villages children and were
holding them hostage and demanding the villagers turn over half of all the food
they harvested.
Our heroes said “fear not! We shall return your children!
Just point us in the direction of the woods!”
Athis turned out to be an exceptional tracker (Keria just
kept acing and scored raise after raise, with every tracking roll all game!).
They found and followed a track into the woods that the Satyrs were clearly
using to go back and forth to the village to haul away their booty.
AS they pressed on through the woods Dionysophenes
spotted some lookouts in the bushes ahead (Finnegan was likewise hot with the
notice rolls – despite the Satyrs being woodsmen, and in cover, and acing their
stealth rolls, Finnegan just kept rolling better!? I’d initially planned to
have a aroow whistle out of the bush and have the satyrs taunting/intimidating
them from unseen hiding spots in the bush… no such luck)
(Remember: click on the pictures
for a bigger version)
Finnegan (Dionysophenes)
and Keira (Athis)
– excited to be playing Savage Worlds again (thought yesterday we did play
a game of Hordes of the Things).
As Dion pointed out the Satyrs
hiding in the bush one of them scarpered and the others loosed off arrows at
Dion and Athis.
Dion was hit and shaken!
Dion and Athis charged and
dispatched the two Satyrs before they could even flee!
The others rushed up to try and
catch the other, but he was long gone…
The though they should follow
him but when I called for another tracking roll and Keira rattled out a couple
more raises I pointed out that the main trail they’d been following went off in
the opposite direction – should they follow the main path or chase after the
fleeing lookout? They chose (wisely) to follow the main path. When I then gave
them the option of following it as hastily as they could or slowly and
cautiously and stealthily they chose the latter – had they chose the former I
would have said they got to the Satyr camp before the lookout got back and may
have taken them by surprise.
As it was they Satyrs were aware
of their approach and ready for them…
Athis rushed into the clearing
(having the highest card), and the Satyrs tried to turn her into a pincushion
(having the next two highest cards) – after a soak roll she escaped with only
being shaken… As she took cover in the bush the others rushed forward to help –
one was downed by and arrow from the leader of the Satyrs. Dion had the good
sense to try and skirt around the clearing under cover.
Unfortunately the sneaky Satyrs
spotted him and headed him off – both hit wounding Dion grievously. He slumped into cover and remained
there for pretty much the rest of the game – unable to remove the painful arrow
in his arm (unable to recover from being shaken)
Athis recovered and rushed out
followed by one of their friends and attacked the leader of the Satyrs.
Athis cut him down and he tried
to flee (I think doing five wounds!?) – spear through the heart. This prompted
and morale test from the Satyrs which the failed!
The tables turned…
Athis and one of their friends rushed the Satyrs in the
woods and cut down three of them, Their other friend the archer exchanged shots
with another and eventually brought him down. The remaining two Satyr archers
There was another Satyr in the clearing – who turned out to
be very friendly. He had been taking care of the children and explained that it
was the thuggish leaders idea to kidnap the children and most of the others
went along with it. He could have helped the kids escape but it would have
meant his own death and the thugs would have just gone straight back to the
village and carried them off again – and they wouldn’t have been cared for
nearly so well…
Our heroes friend that had been shot by the arrow, turned
out to have just been knocked out and wasn’t seriously injured at all.
Upon their return to the village with the children there was
much rejoicing. A festival was held in the heroes honour and their ship was
provisioned with the finest foods and wines the islanders had to offer.
Of the other Satyrs one died, two
were seriously wounded, and the other three lightly wounded. Though all had
been taught a serious lesson and would not likely be trying anything like that