I had little prepared so I threw together a little skirmish using everyone's regular characters... The Samurai they had helped out in the Previous Episode had invited our heroes to stay with him at his village. While there a message arrived from his Daimyo that a lost temple that had reputedly held some ancient relic had been discovered and he was to go with the man that had discovered the temple and recover the relic.
Unfortunately, When they got there they found a band of ninjas searching the temple for the very same relic... there was a bit of a stand-off...
But soon the two groups of foes had to join forces to battle a greater enemy - a giant Oni and a horde of ZOMBES!!!!

The ninjas all bit it in the battle... I had given control of them to the players and probably shouldn't have - I could then have kept them in the background shooting and chucking shurikens (all in vain) at the zombies while letting the characters get eaten a bit and then fight them for the relic... ah, well.. we started a bit late and I was tired...
Still not settled on a setting for this campaign - Kara-tur, Rokugan or somewhere else... Reading the L5R/Rokugan fluff is kind of fun... but I feel a little intimidated by the sheer volume of canon... A few books arrived this week that I picked up off ebay cheap. A few more will hopefully arrive in the next week or two, including some adventures. I guess we'll see once I have a chance to wade through a few of them!
I'm kind of torn - I have some pretty lofty ideas and long range plans for charcters being involved at high levels in politics and/or commanding armies (using Hordes of the SAVAGE Things). Not sure how that will jive with the Rokugan setting. It might just be easier to invent my own so I can use more of the armies I own (or ones I'm planning on building - mongols, Samurai Dwarves, etc...
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