Gilthanas, The elf they’d met in the caravan, was to lead them to a secret entrance to Pax Tharkas known as the Sla Mori (which only the elves know about).
Along the way they came across the scene of a recent battle – and were ambushed by Draconians.

The Draconians were dealt with in short order…

Amid the bodies and carnage they found one survivor, who joined their merry gang.
In the valley that leads to the Sla Mori they ran into some Ogres

It was supposed to be trolls, but trolls look a little bad-ass in Savage Worlds… of course, considering how fast they dealt with the ogres, I probably could have thrown the trolls at them…
Next Week: Into the Sla Mori to infiltrate the mighty fortress of Pax Tharkas!
mmmmm...those peaches from the healing tree were pretty darn tasty - definitely hit the spot for Lorena Whiteswan!
(they were joking when they told you it was a "healing tree" - it was pure placebo... but hey... whatever works!)
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